Asbestos Inspections Sydney - Asbestos Inspection NSW

30 Years Experience

Looking to replace or repair a fibro shed, garage or outhouse and are unsure as to whether it has been made from asbestos building products or whether it is in a stable condition?

NSW asbestos removal services based in Silverwater Sydney can help resolve your problem. We have more than 30 years experience working with asbestos building materials and have safely removed suspect fibro materials from a huge number of Sydney and NSW properties.

Why An Asbestos Inspection Is Vital In NSW

The importance of conducting an asbestos inspection by a professional asbestos removal company and having asbestos testing done by an accredited laboratory cannot be overstated. These procedures are essential steps in managing asbestos risks in buildings, especially in older constructions where asbestos was commonly used in various materials.

Firstly, a professional asbestos inspection is crucial because it involves a thorough examination of the property to identify any asbestos-containing materials (ACM). These materials may not always be obvious, as asbestos can be found in products like roofing, insulation, and flooring. Professional asbestos inspectors have the expertise and experience to recognize these materials and assess their condition. If the asbestos is found to be in poor condition, it poses a higher risk because damaged or deteriorating ACM can release fibres into the air, which can be harmful when inhaled.

A Systematic Asbestos Inspection

Moreover, professionals use systematic methods and follow stringent safety protocols during the inspection to ensure that no asbestos fibres are disturbed during the process. They also provide detailed reports that outline the location, condition, and type of asbestos found, which is essential for managing, removing, or containing asbestos safely.

Following the inspection, it is critical to have samples of the material tested by an accredited laboratory to confirm the presence of asbestos. Accredited laboratories are equipped with specialized techniques, such as polarized light microscopy or transmission electron microscopy, to accurately identify asbestos fibres and their types. This precise identification is crucial because some types of asbestos are more hazardous than others, influencing the removal strategy and precautions needed.

Sleep Soundly After Getting A Regulation Asbestos Check And Asbestos Testing

Testing by an accredited laboratory also ensures that the results are reliable and meet all regulatory requirements. This is important for legal compliance, particularly when renovating or demolishing buildings, as specific laws govern how asbestos must be handled and disposed of. Accurate testing informs the necessary safety measures to protect workers and the public from asbestos exposure.

Having an asbestos inspection by a professional and subsequent testing by an accredited laboratory is indispensable for anyone responsible for a building's maintenance or renovation. These steps not only ensure compliance with health and safety regulations but also significantly mitigate the health risks associated with asbestos exposure. Ultimately, they contribute to a safer living and working environment, safeguarding both current occupants and future generations.

Management Plans For Your Building

We can organise an inspection of the building that you are concerned about, advise in relation to NSW regulations, provide management plans and give you recommendations as to the safest and most cost effective way of dealing with your problem. In many cases our asbestos inspections will reveal that the products are stable and can be left in situ if treated correctly.

Contact NSW Asbestos removal today on 0407 050 694 to organise your Sydney asbestos inspection today.